Blind Descent The Quest to Discover the Deepest Cave on Earth | Teen Ink

Blind Descent The Quest to Discover the Deepest Cave on Earth

October 31, 2018
By HugoGarcia BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
HugoGarcia BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bill Stone wants to explore a Mexican super cave called Cheve. Bill Stone often kept trying to get deeper and deeper into the cave. As time went on he managed to get deeper into the cave and tries to get deeper into other caves as well. He keeps trying to get deeper and the main trait he faces is exasperation since often times he fails the expeditions. During this time Bill met an explorer named Pat and as time went on they both got married. As time went on they had kids, but Bill was so focused in caving, Pat realized the marriage was going nowhere so they divorced the story states, “For more than ten years Pat Stone had been standing by her man and their house, and her job seeing her time with Bill shrink and depts. Growing and knowing, despite her hopes, the clock on the marriage was running down (Tabor 70). Bill kept trying to get deeper into the cave and eventually met Ende. They both went caving together and both feel in love. They went into several cave explorations and kept trying to go deeper into the cave. The story eventually goes on and talks about another explorer named Alexander Klimchouk. The story states his goal, his family, and the struggles he faced trying to get deeper into a cave.

I really enjoyed this book because the author describe the character very well. He showed how Bill Stone struggles throughout his journey to get deeper and deeper into several caves. Also shows how Bill feels when the team explores the cave successfully or when the team are trying to give up. He is very hard headed and doesn’t give up when trying to get deeper into the caves. The one problem I had with this story was the plot structure was very hard to follow at least for me. The story starts with Bill Stone, but as the story goes on the story branches out to other cave explorers. This really ruined the story for me since the story went from one main character to other main character which were no mentioned in the very beginning of the story. I really think the story should have just focused on Bill Stone instead of another character that were not even mentioned in the first part of the story.  

I would recommend this book to people 13 years old and older. Since this book at often times uses very strong language since the characters sometimes get into arguments. Also Stone will sometimes use bad language when his team loses hope in them getting succeeding and when he is passionate about something he will use bad language. This is example on what he said “I’d have to kill that person” (Tabor 121). Sometimes other characters use bad language when they are tough situations. Also the words the author uses are very complex and I young kid will most likely be confused since this book is best for kids in high school or in junior high.

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