Sonnets by teens on a variety of topics | Teen Ink


Most recently submitted Sonnets

By Polijazz SILVER
Masefau, Other

If a HEART is a symbol of TRUE love, then why does it still beat when there is pain? If it is pure and lovely like a dove, then WHY does it turn dark when life reigns ra...
Polijazz SILVER, Masefau, Other
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Life may knock me down 10 times harder everytime, but I will not let it knock me down to where I cannot get back up." -Jazzy

By Polijazz SILVER
Masefau, Other
Polijazz SILVER, Masefau, Other
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Life may knock me down 10 times harder everytime, but I will not let it knock me down to where I cannot get back up." -Jazzy

By FireWhiskey SILVER
Durango, Colorado
FireWhiskey SILVER, Durango, Colorado
9 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Dreams are only Dreams, unless you do something about them, than they're life"
~By me

By Atarla GOLD
Portland, Oregon
Atarla GOLD, Portland, Oregon
11 articles 0 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everything happens for a reason, And nothing is without one

By Jessi_suarez1 GOLD
Kissimmee, Florida
Jessi_suarez1 GOLD, Kissimmee, Florida
16 articles 0 photos 98 comments
By Jessi_suarez1 GOLD
Kissimmee, Florida
Jessi_suarez1 GOLD, Kissimmee, Florida
16 articles 0 photos 98 comments
By Anonymous
By Anonymous
Carissababydoll BRONZE, Lyman, Maine
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If its ment to be let it be.

By mclayne SILVER
Barrington, Illinois
mclayne SILVER, Barrington, Illinois
7 articles 0 photos 3 comments