Volleyball | Teen Ink


May 12, 2018
By Anonymous

We have walked in, and there is stuff to be done.
People are filling in, the court is loud with noise.
The other teams walk through but, we don’t feel a stun.
We feel the heat, the other team arrives in turquoise.
My team takes the floor, no mercy will be shown.
The first serve is over, the game has started.
We score twenty-one points, our minds have blown.
  The set quickly ends, our scores have been charted.
We start the next set, and my mom makes a bet.
The ref takes his stand, this game may as well be gone.
We begin to take the lead, I don’t even break a sweat.
The sun begins to set, will this game be finished before dawn?
We finnish the game, and it begins to rain,
I walk out a champion, I will feel no pain.

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on Jun. 30 2018 at 3:42 pm
CompoundArcher GOLD, Broomfield, Colorado
13 articles 2 photos 35 comments

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The true feeling of volleyball!