The Deep Blue Sea | Teen Ink

The Deep Blue Sea

May 8, 2018
By Anonymous

Slowly, I drown in deep eternal blue
The water is cold and frigid and dark
Struggling, I fight, but I can’t break through
The water stings with a bold rigid mark

I scream and cry, but it’s to no avail
Alone and afraid, no one hears my call
I writhe and move with my body so frail
Alone and afraid, no one comes at all

This is all your fault, no blame to take hold
This is all your fault, blame only you own
This is all your fault, failure to behold
This is all your fault, failure you have known

I let myself drown, I did this to me
I let myself drown in the deep, blue sea

The author's comments:

I struggle with depression a lot and it feels like you're constantly drowning in emotions.

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