A Beautiful Tragedy | Teen Ink

A Beautiful Tragedy

March 4, 2018

Something so beautiful and fragile,
Something full of majestic places, Earth.
A creature full of life, thats in’a battle.
Because people do not see its real worth.
Because people dont see it as a home,
But a forever lasting eternity.
Sadly now Earth has one foot in the tomb,
Ye’Seal inevitable fate carelessly.
Now Earths life is on a ticking timer.
Earth should have been more like a yin and yang ,
Instead the good became a lot dimmer.
Earth suddenly became a sad sad prank,
But too late to shed ridiculous tears.
Soon to come, is our greatest deadly fear.

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Jasmine said...
on Mar. 12 2018 at 2:12 pm
I love this!!!!