Life...1 | Teen Ink


December 16, 2016
By myLonelyDreamer BRONZE, San Gabriel, California
myLonelyDreamer BRONZE, San Gabriel, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Be it death, be it life
To which death is bliss
But life is strife
Yet we sought and I sought this abyss

Of which brings endless suffering
To those around you and you yourself
The joy of living differs from the bliss of dying
For the humanly feelings that come to be in both our partner and ourselves

An unachievable happiness, only to be accomplished while alive
A natural beauty in the beasts we are
One that purifies to that which we are deprived
Our complex feelings from life is bizarre and never still like the north star

For our love for living
Our wish for undying

The author's comments:

I actually had to do a sonnet for my English class and I just wanted to try to see it goes. It's a bit old so the writing might be grammatically incorrect but I personally liked it. I actually have two about similar topics to some extent so I want to see how it is. 

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