Abuse | Teen Ink


May 18, 2016
By xXemotionalWriterXx BRONZE, Erie, Pennsylvania
xXemotionalWriterXx BRONZE, Erie, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Always Keep Fighting" -Jared Padalecki

All she had ever known hurt,
To be kicked around like dirt.
To be beaten and bruised,
Oh how she was used.

He made her cower in fear,
Whenever he was near.
Even when he was gone,
The fear would still dawn.

One day he came home in a bad mood,
She knew what was coming, a nasty fowl feud.
By the end she was bleeding,
A hospital she was needing.

So she lay on the floor,
Till police broke the door.
They took him away.
And now her Freedom could stay.


The author's comments:

Thank gosh I've never been in an abusive relationship, but for some reason I am drawn to writing about those types of relationships.

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