The Rule | Teen Ink

The Rule

May 19, 2016
By Emma_Jean BRONZE, Barrington, New Hampshire
Emma_Jean BRONZE, Barrington, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you happen to do the wrong thing, be smart enough to not get caught." -Ms St.Laurent

You never know how hard it is until
You have to choice but to follow its rule
I did not know until things went downhill
My health was thrown into this weird whirlpool
This thing has one rule I have to follow
It may as well be called forbidden fruit
It makes me sick and just feel so hollow
The point of having it should sound so moot
But for these next six weeks I get to bend
That rule I would have to follow except
I will be back to that whirlpool to fend
Off all that pain I will have to accept
One serving per day is what they prescribe
Gluten causes pain I cannot describe

The author's comments:

I have recently been diagnosed with Celiac disease which makes me not able to eat gluten. Before I got the blood test that told the doctors I have Celiac disease, I was in so much pain and missed a lot from being sick. About a month ago I saw a GI doctor and they told me that they would need to perform an exploratory surgery to officially diagnose me with Celiacs.  Now I have to eat one serving of gluten a day for six weeks and deal with the pain that comes with it.

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