Spring | Teen Ink


April 29, 2016
By Anonymous

I smell the blooming flowers.
I see the blooming trees.
I sneeze the floating pollen,
Spread around by bees.

I squint at the sun in the morning.
I see plants in the loamy soil.
I watch the farmers work at daybreak,
Creating life with their toil.

I hear a bear roar as it leaves its cave.
I see birds flying high.
I watch as children play in the fields,
Under a clear blue sky.

I leap into the world without any fear,
For there is life in the air; spring is here.

The author's comments:

I was driving through rural Virginia in early April and I saw these gorgeous purple wildflowers lining the road. Spring is my favorite season, and I felt that those flowers in that country setting perfectly represented the spirit of spring, enspiring me to write this poem.

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