He for She | Teen Ink

He for She

April 24, 2016
By aqil.faruq BRONZE, SINGAPORE, Other
aqil.faruq BRONZE, SINGAPORE, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Feminism is not "bias towards women"
For it aims to achieve equality
For both genders, I’m certain
No gender discriminatory
To question "What about the men?"
Is to water down feminism’s efficacy
No doubt feminism focuses on women
But to equate it to hating men is simply bigotry
Rejecting feminism means accepting patriarchy
accepting coverture laws, accepting inequality
The noise behind feminism only serves to remind thee
On who truly has been in-charge, and will continue to be
But let us not forget that our main goal is gender equality
And that feminism in essence is He for She

The author's comments:

Lots of world issues and crises deeply affect me but nothing disturbs me more than sheer ignorance and propagandistic rhetoric. The idea of feminism seems to be confused by many as being anti-men, and this pervasive thought is deeply worrying. I hope the message insinuated in my sonnet transcends to all teek ink readers out there and help diminish anti-feminism sentiments.

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