Cris des noirs | Teen Ink

Cris des noirs

March 11, 2016
By Anonymous

I am awakened by a loud gun shot,
As fleshes slowly rots
Cries of women, mourning over the dead
Lying in their perpetual bed
People slayed under suspicious reasons,
Like the weather in some seasons
When will this viciousness end?
Will this trend ever mend?
Christians persecuted for their faith,
When will this agony end?
Colored people anguished due to their features,
As if they were menacing creatures
When will police brutality end?
“I have a dream” Martin Luther King once said,
That our nation will live according to its creed
When will society stand up and claim what is justly theirs,
Demanding what is fair
When will the people stand and say,
“This is enough… This isn’t right”
…Let’s not fight…
Why should blacks fear for their lives? Wishing only to thrive
Who will be the leader, crafting the path for future generations?
When will we stand hand in hand, Sharing ideas without judgements?
Is it a crime to desire amity in a world so beautiful?
Is it wrong to wish that this world was perfect?
When will we be relieved, from this sentencing we’ve received?
When will society realize that this is immoral?
“Stop the violence”, “Stop the violence!” “Stop the violence!”

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