Negative Aspects | Teen Ink

Negative Aspects

March 15, 2016
By infintrin17 BRONZE, West Chester, Pennsylvania
infintrin17 BRONZE, West Chester, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You think me a hypocrite? Nay, not me.
I might be a liar, cheat, maybe rude,
But at least I can truly say I see
You are too, that anyone can conclude.
You think me to be stubborn? Thanks, I try.
For it’s the same to be too confident
As to be an odd ambiguous lie.
It’s weird, I thought we were so different.
You think me to be below you? Equals
We shall remain. For you and I are vile.
But some beings out there aren’t plagued with evils
Of jealousy or spite or random wiles.
I’m honest, polite, and open-minded.
The world would be a bad place unguided.

The author's comments:

Shortly before getting an assignment to write an original sonnet in English class, I got into a fight with some of my friends and was inspired to write a poem about the main cause: hypocrisy.

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