Goodbye Kiss | Teen Ink

Goodbye Kiss

January 21, 2016
By T_wilson17 BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
T_wilson17 BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It beckons me, drawing me to it's safety.

I can't be hurt here, nor can I hurt you.

I live in this world disconsolately.

If I go, I will brighten the worlds hue.


I live in this world, just causing pain.

If I go with Death, problems are solved.

The Earth will be cleansed, as if it just rained.

It started out small, but quickly evolved.


Now, how do I join Death? What should I do?

Maybe take too many meds. That just might work.

I'll drift off dreaming, and thinking of you.

Oh, how I love you. But I've been a jerk.


Why did this happen? Why's it come to this?

Maybe you can give me a goodbye kiss...

The author's comments:

I'm fighting depression, and sometimes it's  hard for me to keep my friends and girlfriend close. Things have been challenging, and I've thought about taking my life multiple times. Luckily, my friends are amazing, and they've helped me through everything. Writing these poems really helps me cope.

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