Beauty of the Art | Teen Ink

Beauty of the Art

January 7, 2016
By Dani44 BRONZE, Palatka, Florida
Dani44 BRONZE, Palatka, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:

Art makes a mess all over this dark world

a beautiful, sparkling mess on it all.

Impossible to unmix once it's stirred,

impossible to remove its hard gall.


Awakening spirits, this I hold true.

This form of expression has captured me

as well as completely enraptured you

by encompassing all we ever need.


Its mess stains our hearts in glorious wasy

splashing through our furious fingertips

crashing its way into all of our days

as it masters slipping from the mind's grip.


I am not brilliant, but I do know this-

Art is no one's; not mine, not yours-it's bliss.

The author's comments:

I finished three pieces of work for my drawing portfolio in one day and was inspired by the intense surge of creativity.

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