Valar Morghulis - Italian Sonnet | Teen Ink

Valar Morghulis - Italian Sonnet

December 18, 2015
By IxNightWalkerxI SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
IxNightWalkerxI SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A man must have a name

For another to do the bidding

Of the fast approaching killing.

The name is now a claim

For it is the others shame.

Now the assassin is ready for the hitting

As the name is ripe for the picking

And you are now to blame.

At last, it is time

The dart has now flew

Through the air it whorled

Committing its horrendous crime.

It is all because of you

Now there is one less man in the world.

The author's comments:

Valar Morghulis: All men must die. This poem was inspired by Game of Thrones, and the faceless assassin.

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