Sonnet 5 – Tragedy | Teen Ink

Sonnet 5 – Tragedy

December 11, 2015
By DarknessFalls PLATINUM, Alhambra, California
DarknessFalls PLATINUM, Alhambra, California
47 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before. -Edgar Allan Poe

For you there’s only love, ecstasy.
Never escape my mind, fantasy.
Those cold lips, kiss me.
Love crashing against the rocks, at the sea.
For you there’s only love, I see –
And the pages are black and white, blank.
Love you like the titanic, tragically it sank.
Love still remaining in hearts swam to shore, ache.
Bodies above sea level, in the lake –
And the pages are black and white, hearts quake.
But I know you’re there, hidden.
Eat the fruit of my love, forbidden.

But I know for me you still long –
This is our swan song.

The author's comments:

This the fifth sonnet of the collection im currently working on. It's a bit different from the first two as this one and the ones to come have more of a sad and somber feel. More of a tragic love story if you will. I hope as my sonnets are being read that the reader will see how the love evolves and the complications along the way.

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