Sonnet 5 - The Tiger and The Phoenix | Teen Ink

Sonnet 5 - The Tiger and The Phoenix

September 18, 2015
By SydneyTru1879 BRONZE, Anson, Maine
SydneyTru1879 BRONZE, Anson, Maine
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The tiger’s eyes are big and bright,
filled with anger not of fright.
See his legs spring from the ground,
aiming for man’s mighty crown.

A powerful phoenix will burn us all,
when he feels that we should fall.
Watch it’s wings spur up the fire,
that threatens to destroy our mighty tower.

The tiger and it’s powerful claws,
will be the one to make us fall.
See the phoenix bathe us in flames,
burning down our mighty reigns.

The tiger and the phoenix, one,
will be the end of mankind. 

The author's comments:

I read the book series Tiger's Curse by Collen Houck and got inspired to write this as well as there are some hidden meanings into this poem that I hope someday someone will see.

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