The quick turn | Teen Ink

The quick turn

May 18, 2015
By Simplyy_MeganRenee BRONZE, Ashford, Connecticut
Simplyy_MeganRenee BRONZE, Ashford, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The sun shines through the leaves on the green trees.
The gentle breeze glides swiftly through the grass.
The meadow flowers grow because of bees.
They buzz around with arrogance and sass.

The aroma of the seasons surrounds.
When the sun hits the ground children smile.
All around is the happy summer sounds.
Friends and Family want to stay awhile.

At night all the fires burn strong and high.
People gather to celebrate the time.
You can hear the children around here cry.
The words sound sour just like a ripe lime.

Foreheads painted with the triple sixes.
Beware and hide from these evil witches.

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