The Soccer Sonnet | Teen Ink

The Soccer Sonnet

May 6, 2015
By analag BRONZE, Barrington Hills, Illinois
analag BRONZE, Barrington Hills, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We have all played for oh so very long,
Scored goals that will never stand forgotten.
And the many many shirts of cotton
Our memories and thoughts never stood wrong
Our tears like drops that make for a sad song
All the recalls have we oddly broughten
Now crying in synch like a sole auton
Can no longer sing the noteworthy song

But after long, our memories will rott’n
We will not be as salty tomorrow
All memories erased like streets of chalk
Departing our own ways as we trotten
A long-lasting bond will end in sorrow
When the world turns and we will never talk

The author's comments:

This is memory of the end of my soccer career. FCX 

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