Reactive | Teen Ink


March 29, 2015
By melmccann34 BRONZE, Port Aransas, Texas
melmccann34 BRONZE, Port Aransas, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Will you still love me when I shine?

Will I feel your presence when I am lost in myself,
when there is nothing left of me to call mine?
Will you reach out to me like I am a prize on the top shelf?

Can I find you by my side when I run off to the stars,
Making sure I do not venture too close to the light....
Or will I lose you because you do not want to go all the way to Mars
for a test of true love does not come without sacrifices of great height.

Your love is ultraviolet and I am radioactive
I only know shades of danger that call for me and not for you
Do you dare to hike through explosions to feel the wrath of my tractive?
Because you leaving would feel too much like déjà vu.

I know fire is thick and I am the center flame,
and if you fear the burns then having you would have been a bloody shame.

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