This Addiction | Teen Ink

This Addiction

March 23, 2015
By Gavin Stapley SILVER, Cedar City, Utah
Gavin Stapley SILVER, Cedar City, Utah
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

I can’t believe that I am dying.
Do you know what could have happened to me?
Bottles and drugs lay about, scenery.
You are the absolute thing that’s thriving.
I can’t help but to continue trying;
Forget everything around me, the key.
A new kind sickness towards a degree
of unconsciously, not just me, crying.
My life is full, I never want to sleep;
Just to feel alive with the addiction
of persistent drugs taken while I weep.
I don’t know what I want for affliction.
I sustain to fall far into the deep
My entire life is a contradiction.

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