Perfect Chords | Teen Ink

Perfect Chords

February 23, 2015
By alice.williams GOLD, Belleville, New Jersey
alice.williams GOLD, Belleville, New Jersey
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Like musicians who can’t go without song,
I can’t go without his “Hello” each day.
Both nurture the feeling that we belong,
and we each adore the words they say.

You fall for the singer’s each sung note;
caressing the lyrics close to your soul
wondering how anyone could have wrote
something that inspires a feeling so whole.

Whoever composed your compelling tune,
should know what it is that you do to me.
To your beat I never want to be immune,
but rather we could be a harmony.

Your voice isn’t like what I’ve heard before;
it’s music that deserves an endless score.

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