Unreachable | Teen Ink


January 27, 2015
By lovehippogriff SILVER, Troy, Michigan
lovehippogriff SILVER, Troy, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I remember turning blind by the sun
For such beauty shattered insanity 
Many cowered in shadows now outdone
Such gold rules the touch of humanity 
Only birds could but kiss such wanderlust
Nothing else may reach where the heavens lay  
Beauty stains the cheeks and it holds our trust
Somehow it brightens even the tart days
My petite heart feels a hearth being built
Its presence by thought is enough to live
Evil scorches, surrendering the hilt
Utopia is found, alone and dim
It only exists in memories love
Because such hope flies away like the doves

The author's comments:

We often dream of love as a beautiful, perfect, flawless and impeccable thing but that's all it is: a dream. Only such a love that is as deep and meaningful as the one I wrote exists in the mind, and we can only wait for ourselves to find love like this. We want a love like that turns things into gold and makes us feel priceless like King Midas did. We all crave for a love that is so beautiful and strong, it causes pain to look at and burns anyone who tries to interfer. We want alove that doesn't exist. A love that fixes and heals all and makes everything bad about ourselves disappear. This is a love we all crave, one we all want, and one that each of us hope to have, an impossible unreachable love.  

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 2 2015 at 8:25 pm
lovehippogriff SILVER, Troy, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment
You're right. We have every reason to dream and find such a love that may or may not be real, because dreaming of such a beautiful thing gives us more joy and happiness than anything else :)

on Feb. 2 2015 at 7:49 am
French_Gold SILVER, Waynesville, Georgia
9 articles 0 photos 70 comments

Favorite Quote:
There's plenty of sense in nonsense, if you wish to look for it.
-Cassandra Clare

You may be right about how a perfect love only exists in the mind, but can't we have a reason to dream? Because if we can't hope, we all fall to despair and loss. Nice piece.