The Importance of Abstract Nouns | Teen Ink

The Importance of Abstract Nouns

December 16, 2014
By FinchCastors SILVER, Columbus, Mississippi
FinchCastors SILVER, Columbus, Mississippi
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Tact is the art of making a point without an enemy." [Sir Isaac Newton]

Those in-style collars, and your green boot socks,

His flannel shirt and leather birkenstocks,

Nike frees and vintage felicities, 

Are yesterday's fad and next year's head-shake. 

And the abstract nouns your English teacher

Cannot and will not let you soon forget,

Are the things on which time has no effect .

Elegance will never lose it's grand taste,

Wit will never be pushed aside or shunned

The simple sweetness of real love is sure,

And grace will never be out of fashion.

So forget about oversized sweaters,

And remember to show them your betters

The author's comments:

It's important to remember what really matters these days becuase a lot of our peers have deserted us in knowing what that is. Many are caught up in the sea of lies and acceptance and so conform to trend. We have to remeber that what matters most are things that are [at least always should be] always accepted by the world: love, peace, elegance and selflessness. 

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