Because I'm Dutch | Teen Ink

Because I'm Dutch

November 20, 2014
By Jack Vandixhorn BRONZE, Green Oaks, Illinois
Jack Vandixhorn BRONZE, Green Oaks, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Because I’m Dutch 

     When I take a bite juice pours out,
      sometimes on my pants
     I don’t like to pout
     But,  the juice attracts ants

     Plums and blueberries are the best
     and peaches and apples are close behind
     Oranges have a weird taste of zest
     and plantains are not so kind
     All of these fruits are so delicious
I could just eat them all day
But my brother is so vicious
He doesn’t share, and uses the fruit as prey

I love fruit, O so very much
I think it’s because I'm Dutch

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RealRiter said...
on Feb. 19 2015 at 8:06 pm
Pretty good one. Keep up da good work! Not sure what being Dutch has to do with spilling juice but it's creative! Nice:)