The Fault in My Heart | Teen Ink

The Fault in My Heart

May 20, 2014
By krissynh BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
krissynh BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Across the field, my feet slithered.
I reached up, and behold it lay.
I thought I had done everything.
Yet, still, my heart ached.

It was never ending, my heart was still.
A glowing growing ember, it became.
It was never ending, falling absently after you came.
But that's the sacrifice you make.

Between the lines, there is a barrier that went untold.
You taught me everything I know,
then you left, and it became known.
I thought everything was okay.

Like a shadow in a day, we crashed.
But, don't be blinded by my badge.

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