It's All Fun & Games | Teen Ink

It's All Fun & Games

May 19, 2014
By kcnikole BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
kcnikole BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You know it’s when your hands get all sweaty,
that you’re very, very, very freaked out.
Your stomach feels like lots of confetti,
plus your throat seems like its gone through a drought.

I mean, you would not ever ever ever think
that all of these symptoms seem all that bad.
But you, my friend, are on the very brink
of going crazy, insane, mad.

It is very embarrassing for sure,
It is not comfortable to be.
It is one of the most obscure
You will most likely want to flee.

It’s all fun and games,
until your face goes up in flames.

The author's comments:
I get embarrased a ton and I thought this came out as a cute way to express the feelings of embarrasemtn

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