Eclipsed | Teen Ink


March 24, 2014
By Meaghan_Pashen BRONZE, Babylon, New York
Meaghan_Pashen BRONZE, Babylon, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Getting kicked out,
They don’t need me anymore.
Not looking back, having no doubt,
Throwing you your stuff and slamming the door.
I guess your own medicine doesn’t taste so good.
Do you realize you are a hypocrite?
Didn’t think you would,
Suddenly you are blind, deaf and dumb to all of it.
The mouth speaks while the mind thinks,
I guess mimicking these emotions is too much to bear.
The sun sets but the eyes blink,
You pushed me away and left me there.
The boat home has gone and came
Everything has been ruined and you are to blame.

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