Who is there? | Teen Ink

Who is there?

March 17, 2014
By TChase BRONZE, Puyallup, Washington
TChase BRONZE, Puyallup, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We stop looking for monsters under our bed when we realize they're inside of us"

Alone in my bed
I hear the pounding of doors
The slamming of drawers
Alone in my bed with only my head
My thoughts stand plain as if I was dead
It’s as if the wind is about to roar
Knocking down the walls that stop me from waging war
I know, blood will be shed

What are these sounds I hear?
Is that ringing in my head or from a phone?
Is it the creeping of doors, or from a long lost fear?
Who is walking these halls as if they are a drone?
But what if there was no one here…
Who is to say that maybe, I’m afraid of being alone

The author's comments:
People always ask me "What is it you are afraid of" I would sit there and think "I'm not afraid of anything" then when I go home and sleep at night I wake up sweating, just on the verge of crying and when I look to my side, there is no one there. Truth be told, I'm afraid of being alone. I used to have no friends and was always the loner teenager sitting alone at lunch with no friends. Now that I'm no longer alone, and actually have friends, its terrifying being alone with no one there at night. I'm trying to say, people say things that aren't always true, they only say it so it wouldn't hurt their reputation, like when I lie about my phobia(s)

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