A Silent Walk | Teen Ink

A Silent Walk

March 11, 2014
By Anonymous

Step by step he walked,
Guided only by the dim light of the moon.
Little did he know he was walking towards his doom.
He continued wandering down the empty street, eyes full of fear.
In the distance a small racoon lurked, silently so that no one would hear.
The young boy glanced left and right for a parent or a sign of someone watching.
Nothing. No one around to stare. He just stood there motionless. Waiting.
Looking at the full moon he felt it coming, an urge he could not fight.
A huge pain shot through him he could not hold it back this night.
Hair sprouted through his skin, hands were swapped for paws.
Tonight he’s free and will not be held back by the laws.
The Creature turned and ran down the street.
Its canine teeth gleaming for a treat.
Tonight it’ll be lurking around.
It won't stop until
It’s dead in the

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This article has 1 comment.

crossl16 said...
on Mar. 24 2014 at 4:45 pm
crossl16, Auburn, California
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Wow this is amazing! i wish i could write like this ;)