Left to Drown | Teen Ink

Left to Drown

March 1, 2014
By abbygirl18 BRONZE, Knoxville, Tennessee
abbygirl18 BRONZE, Knoxville, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." -Jeremiah 29:11
"Consider the fact that maybe God closed that door because He knew you were worth so much more."

Alone I sit, a table meant for two
I face the empty seat that laughs at me
And taunts me. You are worthless. Is it true?
No one will love you. Lies that I believe.

I look around and jealousy rages
At happy couples, their affection sweet
And angered at their starry-eyed gazes,
Their conversation quiet and upbeat.

Laughter rings out amidst my sad silence
The tears pour down my face as I wonder
What’s wrong with me? Why am I not worth it?
Where is my happily-ever-after?

Nowhere can my happy ending be found
I’m in oceans of heartbreak left to drown.

The author's comments:
When this project was assigned, I immediately knew loneliness was the topic I needed to write about- because I have struggled with loneliness many times. I have been the girl in my poem, wondering why I wasn't worth it and wondering where my happily-ever-after was. And like the girl in the poem, I still haven't found mine. But unlike the girl in the poem, I'm okay with that- and confident that my Prince Charming will eventually find me.

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