Face of Fear | Teen Ink

Face of Fear

February 28, 2014
By allison mayhle BRONZE, Knoxville, Texas
allison mayhle BRONZE, Knoxville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The rocks stacked begin to crumble down slow
My heart races like lions chase their prey
My body begins to shut down to slow mode
There is no sign of buds blooming in May.

The trees that try to cage me start to creak
I’m walking down a path my fate is sealed
Emotion starts to swell-bursting, then a leak
Then suddenly my heart begins to peal.

The tears won’t come but now all hope is lost
My laughter drying like the leaves of fall
My knees fail me like bravery in the past
I have no balance other than a crawl.

Fear- what is its face, its business with me
Fear is not what I was created to be.

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