Weightless in the Water | Teen Ink

Weightless in the Water

February 20, 2014
By lilypel99 BRONZE, Bakersfield, California
lilypel99 BRONZE, Bakersfield, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The surface of the diving block is rough,
like sand beneath my feet.
I hope that one breath is enough,
to supply the plunging dive I will soon meet.

The water slaps and stings my skin,
but the cool sense of peace
surrounds me as I plummet in.
I crave this feeling of release.

Blurred blue shapes fill my vision.
I can’t ignore the intrusive sting.
I don’t regret my split decision,
although I can’t see everything.

I savor this sweet and sudden weightlessness,
because with it washes away my stress.

The author's comments:
I've always felt more at home and at peace beneath the surface of the water, whether it's a chlorine filled pool or the salty ocean. I've known how to swim nearly as long as I've known how to walk. In the summer, I don't let a day pass without going swimming at least once. My friends and family joke that I'm a mermaid... which is a fact I will neither confirm nor deny.

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