The Disillusionment of a Daughter | Teen Ink

The Disillusionment of a Daughter

January 30, 2014
By layersuponlayers BRONZE, Hemet, California
layersuponlayers BRONZE, Hemet, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everyone has been through something, or more things, catastrophic in their life that changes their life and the way they look at the world. It is your choice to make it something that changes you for the better."
~ me

I was told,
that a parent's love
never gets old
I believed

So I assumed,
That when you held me first,
You held
The love of your life

I was told,
That my daddy,
Would protect me from the cold
And from my fires

So I assumed,
That I'd never be here,
Drowning in dry ice

I was told,
That to a father,
The most beautiful girl,
Is his daughter

So why are you telling me
That I am ugly inside?
Why are you telling me,
That I should hide

Tell me,
Was I lied to?
About a parent's love?
Tell me I was lied to

The author's comments:
Lately, I have been dealing with trying to figure out how my biological father could treat me the way that he does and still claim that he loves me. This poem is just me, working this equation out on paper.

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