A Branch Unnoticed | Teen Ink

A Branch Unnoticed

January 10, 2014
By Erin34 BRONZE, Mount Horeb, Wisconsin
Erin34 BRONZE, Mount Horeb, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A hole is dug deep in the cold, wet, ground,
a seed that is prepared, ready to drop.
The planter eager for it to be found,
with that the seed is placed and goes plop.

Sun and water gives the seed hope to grow,
nourishing and caring with every trace.
The sprout of the small seed begins to show,
a plant is all ready to mark its place.

A tree is more than you may ever think,
not a useless plant or something to climb.
It doesn’t just appear in a quick blink,
it takes some patience and a lot of time.

And now the tree stands still, towering tall,
but with one pointless chop, the tree could fall.

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