Friendship | Teen Ink


January 22, 2014
By brebiz SILVER, Covington, Louisiana
brebiz SILVER, Covington, Louisiana
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are Friends to treasure
There are memories that will last forever
That you will forget never
And new Friendships to endeavor

Keep the Friends that are old
Because they shine just like gold
Together you shall feel oh so bold
For you have survived the freezing cold.

Some are spontaneous and bright
For they possess joy and light
They are new stars that twinkle in the night
Together, we are knots tied up very tight

Some are gentle and calm
For they are elegant swans
Truthful and honest from night to dawn
Forever your friendship is spot on

Tomorrow is a new day and so is the next
I promise you all that I will give you my best
Inside my heart beats out of my chest
For that is my love that I shall never repress

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