Football sonnet | Teen Ink

Football sonnet

January 15, 2014
By Ozzy_Corrales BRONZE, Murhy, North Carolina
Ozzy_Corrales BRONZE, Murhy, North Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The game of football is like no other
You get to have a bundle of happiness
When winds do blow it is a great bother
Not too good when you lose all faithfulness
Sometimes too emotional your eyes cry
And often is your heart set to be champ
And you watch your teammates score when they runs by
The rain starts to fall as the ground gets damp
But the heart of a winner shall not fade
Nor lose possession of that ball
Nor shall fall on the ground when one needs aid
When past that line that leads to the field goal
So long that eyes can see and ears can hear
So long lives this game and all of its cheers

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