Technology was a wonderful thing | Teen Ink

Technology was a wonderful thing

December 13, 2013
By AlexiusCelia SILVER, Leetsdale, Pennsylvania
AlexiusCelia SILVER, Leetsdale, Pennsylvania
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Technology was a wonderful thing.

Science and technology haven’t changed.

Something that binds us, like attached world string.

They say it has made our minds deranged.

Ideas that it was a useful want,

Have changed into a painful essential.

No one knows the charm of type writer font-

And the humans have been the eventful.

Technology is a wonderful thing.

It’s the race that takes advantage of it.

The human race, we will soon be mourning.

Our minds are the murders we commit.

We have acquired a misconception,

Details with a creative exception.

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