Release | Teen Ink


December 10, 2013
By Anonymous

I cut my wrists.
I watch the blood.
I release my anger.
I free my soul.

The blood runs thin,
I'm slowly dying.
But they don't know
That I'm not fighting.

I feel myself fall,
But I don't struggle.
I feel the darkness surround me.
I wrap myself in it's warm embrace.

I slip away.
No sad goodbyes.
Just a cold body,
And too many lies.

You try to save me,
But it's too late.
My soul is gone.
My body is just a shell.

In the darkness
I feel alive.
But they still need me,
They need me to survive.

My wrists are pink.
I touch the scars,
I want to leave,
But they need me here.

I am their rock,
I keep them together,
Without me,
They'd be lost forever.

But soon I'll leave.
I'll finally be free.
Once they get stronger
And they don't need me.

Until then,
I have to stay.
I can't leave,
I can't fade away.

My heart is alone.
It aches with need.
The need to leave,
The need to be free.

Once I leave,
Just know it's not the end.
We will be together,
We will meet again.

My wings fold,
I come back to them.
I want to leave,
But I hold back.

I keep going.
I have to stay strong.
I have to fight.
I have to go on.

I stay here,
But just barely.
I still want to leave.
I want to be free.

The author's comments:
This is about my struggle with cutting. I used to cut myself, but now I know that it isn't something I should do. I hope this will inspire other people not to cut themselves, or try any other kind of self harm.

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