Adoring the Fire | Teen Ink

Adoring the Fire

October 15, 2013
By Rebecca Isaacs BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
Rebecca Isaacs BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My love for him is not of a fire,
Willing to go afar the world at end.
Always has he been my main desire,
For him, my heart has always had a bend.

He made me weep once, many times before,
All throughout the night, my sleep was restless.
The bullet destroying me I adore,
My body empty, for him, the abyss.

Love piercing throughout the dark like the light,
Hatred for him begins to feel so close.
But then, the reality sets in sight,
And once again, it’s him I love the most.

Words can’t compare to how I feel for him
For it’s he that gives me my will and vim.

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