The Devil's Sonnet | Teen Ink

The Devil's Sonnet

September 28, 2013
By abbyd888 SILVER, Naples, Florida
abbyd888 SILVER, Naples, Florida
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The moment when the devil came to play,
Was not when sins danced gracefully,
Or when a thought that was too dark to slay,
Truly seemed to appear oh so lovely.

Twas when he looked in the honest mirror,
And saw the façade of terrible lies,
Stare back hungrily into his sad fear,
And turn him into something to despise.

He thought the mirror was to blame for hate;
For all the tears and fears and what appeared
The ugly truth was not a mere shown fate
For twas his mind that craved to be revered

The devil laughed at the scene reflected:
A boy whose thoughts were sadly dejected.

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