Twice Her Age | Teen Ink

Twice Her Age

August 5, 2013
By COKLindeed BRONZE, Columbia, Tennessee
COKLindeed BRONZE, Columbia, Tennessee
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Chances of keeping the Sabbath are slim
Cause it's hard to keep a serious face
She thanks the man upstairs for making him
Knowing heaven is just a glance away
A fist bump so strong and a smile so kind
He sits close by, but they seems far apart
His life, a wife and kids dwell on his mind
A girl at seventeen -- she has no heart
She finds comfort near him like a shade tree
Just to see him swagger in is a must
His sweet, fresh air takes her under the sea
Certain it's not love, this is more like lust
In his book of life when turning the page
He'll give her his heart though he's twice her age

The author's comments:
I feel like several teenage girls and guys have had an infatuation for someone much older than them and constantly fantasize about being with them, though they know it's not right (I know I have). A good way to get over those thoughts or feelings is to write about it, get it out of the system and move on.

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