Untitled #6 | Teen Ink

Untitled #6

July 26, 2013
By Nas_Canlas SILVER, Angeles City, Other
Nas_Canlas SILVER, Angeles City, Other
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Loving the one who doesn't love you will certainly make you suffer.

When I saw you, I was mesmerized;
By your beauty that makes me calm;
I stare at you, daydreaming and hypnotized;
Dreaming that I can hold your palm;
This feeling that made my heart feel caught;
That I wanted to express my feelings;
The feelings that seemed like thunderbolt;
Getting nervous with little things;
Telling you will not be a shame;
And might even give you a clue;
I don't want your wealth nor fame;
I just want to sincerely tell you;
That I love you no matter what;
I think Cupid just did his part.

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