Broken Hearts Can't Heal | Teen Ink

Broken Hearts Can't Heal

July 7, 2013
By mymindistrash BRONZE, Auburn, New York
mymindistrash BRONZE, Auburn, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My phone is silent, it doesn't ring.
I sit alone now and think of things.
Like you and me, the way we used to be happy.

I hear voices inside my head.
They tell me not to lay in bed.
"Don't give up hope, you're too young. Just go outside and have some fun."

My friends are all here now, so it must be true.
The only time I cry is when I think of you.
I used to get butterflies staring into your eyes.
Now I know it's just a phase slowly passing by.

The first time you said "I love you" I thought it was for real.
But now, thanks to you, I know broken hearts honestly can't heal...

The author's comments:
This poem was written April 20, 2012. I wrote it for my ex-boyfriend after he dumped me.

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