Thoughts on a lonely street | Teen Ink

Thoughts on a lonely street

June 19, 2013
By Anonymous

Tell me what you think about this poem

...Thoughts in a silent place...

One dark lonely street
silent and discreet
let me share a deep secret
there's activity but you can't see it
things that are not so clearly writ
that would leave you clanging your teeth
and aching to breathe
to ease let me give you a little treat
a riddle to test your wit
what weighs a whale's width
it's carrier can carry a ship fleet
yes, a whale is it
now to the very first bit
a mother's worry over an ailing heart beat
another, an intent desire for hot meat
a man with no successful feat
thinking how to place a feet
to Man that parental seat
A teen and her friendship skit
eighteen but unfit to fit
a thing make up can't treat
a broken trust is a permanent zit
one maybe looking for a strong cleat
with the deadly wish to quit
but life is a race for us to compete
but people have become others repeat
so they themselves begin to deplete
sorry my evidence is not concrete
and my thoughts are not complete
and the bad ones i would edit.

The author's comments:
please criticize.........

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