Life's a Piece of Cake | Teen Ink

Life's a Piece of Cake

May 10, 2013
By xoshelliex3 BRONZE, South Barrington, Illinois
xoshelliex3 BRONZE, South Barrington, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It sprints away like child withholding truth
Escaping to the distant break in day
A blink of eye and then what's gone is youth
With nothing but a face left in dismay

It is not long before a storm of end
Arrives upon the mat before your door
It may not be the time that you intend
But 'tis a fate that you can not ignore

Yet life is sweet just like a frosted cake
With layers that fulfill your soul’s true bliss
Each day is filled with steaks and coffee breaks
With memories that you will come to miss

Don’t let your batter turn to something bitt’r
Because all nights in life are filled with glitt’r

The author's comments:
Life is short but sweet for certain.

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