A Stone on the Rod | Teen Ink

A Stone on the Rod

April 30, 2013
By dlandons BRONZE, Ijamsville, Maryland
dlandons BRONZE, Ijamsville, Maryland
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s sturdy, solid and sharp on all sides,
And yet it’s easy to grasp and to hold,
Innocuous and silent where it lies.
Picked up lightly from the side of the road,

But what wonder can you hold, quiet one,
From your truest place of old origin,
The power with which you draw from the sun,
Comes from beyond measurement or margin.

Your genesis is dark and fiery,
From the beginnings of the deep below,
A wonder unseen, without diary
That a single stone could not ever show.

With such a hist’ry, you’ll never be alone,
Be what you like, become the cornerstone.

The author's comments:
Foudn this stone on my walk.

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