Sonnet of Depression | Teen Ink

Sonnet of Depression

April 15, 2013
By AlexWright BRONZE, Maple Valley, Washington
AlexWright BRONZE, Maple Valley, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My heart lets out a sharp deluded blood stained cry
Fighting life at every waking moment
Oh God why must I keep on trying every day?
There is nowhere else that I shall vent

I beg God for mercy on my pain today
I weep for life to swallow me whole
Life has become a narrow alleyway
Goodness get me away from my hellhole!

Love that once got lost shall never be found again
Her rosy lips puckered to another now
Whatever is there left for me to gain
My sight has become tight like my airflow

For ever shall I no longer rest here
Under this deep dark black, grey atmosphere

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