Dream Freely | Teen Ink

Dream Freely

April 11, 2013
By Living4dreams BRONZE, Crestline, California
Living4dreams BRONZE, Crestline, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Only through the darkness , you can see the stars

Martin Luther King Jr.

Dream Freely

As i sleep through the night

wonders go in my head

I see nothing but clouds

"Dreamers" is what would be said

i feel the breeze of a calm wind

wrapped up in my hair

looking down at the world

as if i care

feeling free is what i dreamt

to be

Now i'm here flying over

the deep blue sea

No Pain No suffering

just pure peace

At last i have been


The author's comments:
The thing that inspired me the most is that i was just thinking about how many teens .... just live through so much pain and how much the wish to just .... go away and sleep through life. Ive been through so many times like that in my life ...and i just felt like i need to share with teens through this poem that ... in the end ..will be living in peace and freedom.. No more pain No more suffering

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