Sailing Away | Teen Ink

Sailing Away

March 15, 2013
By Anonymous

My love came to me a midst the twilight's glare
Took my hand. Promised we'd fly away from here
Then affixed his gaze to the glorious stars
Promised that one day, the heavens would be ours

They would seep through our fingers, course through our veins.
As our bodies escaped from gravity's chains
And that passion that fuels the flames of the sun
Would course through our hearts as we both became one.

We laid there for hours just staring at the sky
Allowed the outside world to simply pass by
Others walk on, they who not dare raise their gaze
As the world around them unravels, decays

Our place is not here, just staring at the ground
It is among galaxies, where love is found
So we shall search the sky till we find an end
Then through the edge of forever we transcend.

Surpassing even the deepest kind of love
Releasing all that we thought we were made of
Trading oxygen for the breath of his lips
Trading our fears we fly away on star ships

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